Case studies and testimonials
Unsure about registering for the Aussie Specialist Program? Hear what Aussie Specialists think about the program.

"The ASP program in itself is one immersive experience that is equally easy and has been very well received by all our teammates especially because of the constant product updates which are imperative in today’s times. A great sales tool to have around."

The Aussie Specialist Program gives me the expertise to do all the wonderful things our clients can do in this magnificient country, that I would like to call home. My knowledge can be flaunted as a certified pro, thanks to Tourism Australia’s Aussie Specialist Program. It gives me the recognition in selling Australia as an expert. My destination knowledge is building immensely with their training modules with accessibility of their useful selling tools & resources. Various Inspirational itinerary suggestions with some brilliant videos on hand.

"The Best informative Site has never seen before, great information about Australia. You will never miss anything about Destination Australia. All Photographs and Videos are very good, lively and knowledgeable. Moreover, seeing them feels like you are already there. Great Site and I learned a lot."
"I had registered on the ASP around 17 years and has been an amazing experience learning about Australia since then. In my personal experience of undergoing e-learning programs have to admit the Aussie Specialist Training Program is the best ever Specialist Program. The Program is super interesting, interactive, with loads of learning and has great ideas of experiences from the basic to the signature ones. You can definitely not get bored, tired or distracted while learning, infact you would want to deep dive more and learn more about the destination. Right from Images, Videos, FAQs, Suggested Itineraries, Maps, Australian Events, Websites it has it all. For me personally it is an one stop of information and learning Google for Australia. I do not think I would ever know so much of Australia and its hidden gems if I had not enrolled and qualified for this training program."
- Sunita Amarnani, Hyperlink Brand Solutions Pvt. Ltd
"ASP is a well-defined tool not only for products but for sales as well, enabling us not only to drive bookings but also enhance customer experience by offering them new destinations and products which suit their palette.
I really appreciate the hard work putten in by the teams while developing a robust system that enabled me to work closely in developing new products and promote Australia as a preferred destination for Indian consumers."
- Raveesh Khullar, Yatra.com
"The Aussie Specialist program is a perfect platform to learn and revive our knowledge about the destination, the variety which Australia has to offer sometimes gets a bit overwhelming for newcomers as well as the experienced travel agents, hence the bifurcation which is provided in the Aussie specialist program just sorts out the destination perfectly to know and sell better!
Also a special mention to the Lonely Planet video series with quizzes which are running currently as they give us perfect motivation to brush our knowledge in these covid times."
- Gunjan B. Maheshwari, Eventours